L.E.T. Hands-on Workshop
L.E.T. aims to teach communication and conflict resolution skills that can help you become more effective at your job and develop/improve your working and personal relationships.
Resolving conflicts effectively requires a thoughtful approach
Much of our society is structured around a problematic dichotomy of win-lose conflict resolution. However, Dr. Gordon's L.E.T. approach offers a superior third option - one focused on mutual needs satisfaction. This model eschews the exercise of power to declare winners and losers. Instead, it recognizes that true resolution requires meeting the legitimate needs of all parties involved, ensuring that no one loses and everyone's requirements are addressed.
What You Will Learn
In this intensive L.E.T. program, you'll learn how and when to apply the key skills through a variety of learning methods, including presentations, coaching, video demonstrations, skill practice exercises, workbook activities, and small group discussions.
L.E.T. Core Competencies:
1. Determine who “owns the problem” in a given situation.
2. Identify the 12 Roadblocks to communication.
3. Distinguish between Roadblocks and Active Listening.
4. Avoid the Roadblocks that cause most helping attempts to fail.
5. Recognize when team members need your help as a skilled listener.
6. Use silence, acknowledgments and door-openers to help another person with a problem.
7. Active Listen to hear another’s feelings.
8. Active Listen to clarify information.
9. Distinguish between Acceptable and Unacceptable Behavior.
10. Determine what to do when another’s behavior is interfering with you meeting your needs.
11. Develop a three-part Confrontive I-Message.
12. Confront another’s unacceptable behavior with an I-Message.
13. Shift gears between I-Messages and Active Listening when appropriate.
14. Acknowledge others’ efforts with Appreciative I-Messages.
15. Prevent problems and conflicts using Preventive I-Messages.
16. Recognize conflict situations.
17. Distinguish between Conflicts-of-Needs and Values Collisions.
18. Avoid the use of Method I.
19. Avoid the use of Method II.
20. Set the stage for Method III Conflict Resolution.
21. Use Method III to resolve a conflict you have with another person.
22. Use Method III to mediate a conflict between others.
23. Handle Values Collisions.
24. Use the Principle of Participation when there’s an issue or problem involving team members.
We offer on-site workshops lasting 2-3 days for 8-20 participants, delivered at your preferred location and schedule. Contact us to discuss available dates and tuition.